Male Infertility Treatment

Male Infertility Treatment 2018-03-16T17:18:25+00:00

Male Infertility Treatment

Many people think infertility is just a female issue, but that is hardly the case. Approximately one-third of infertility issues stem from male infertility. Fortunately, these problems can often be fixed by treating the problem causing the fertility issue or undergoing fertility treatments. If you are a man dealing with fertility issues, it’s time to get help. You are far from alone, and the resolution might be a treatment away.

In order to diagnose male infertility, the doctor must analyse your sperm. You will provide the doctor with a semen specimen, and he or she will send it off to the laboratory for analysis. The laboratory will examine the overall health of the sperm as well as sperm motility and sperm count. In many cases, that will help diagnose the issue, and your doctor can formulate a plan. Sometimes though, all findings will be normal. That doesn’t mean you don’t have a fertility issue though. It just means you need to undergo some additional tests to find out what it is.

Your doctor might schedule a testicular biopsy, testicular ultrasound, or vasography to determine the root of your fertility issues. The test scheduled will depend on your symptoms.

Men who are dealing with infertility usually don’t have an abundance of symptoms. Low libido is a common symptom though. When men lose interest in sex, it could be due to infertility issues. They might also experience sexual dysfunction or abnormal hair growth. Since the symptoms are unique to male fertility, it is important to discuss everything with your doctor even if it doesn’t seem important. Your doctor is essentially working a puzzle when he or she evaluates you. Every symptom is a piece of that puzzle, and once the puzzle is put together, your doctor will know what tests and plans to use moving forward.

Once the problem is diagnosed, you will undergo treatment. The treatment used depends on the cause of the infertility. If you’re infertile due to an infection, your doctor will put you on a round of antibiotics. If your sperm count is low, your doctor will prescribe medication. The treatment options are as vast as the causes, so your doctor will need to evaluate you and come up with the best option for you.

Any male can experience male infertility, but there are certain risk factors to consider. Men are more likely to be infertile if they are over the age of 40, overweight, or have an STI. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to infertility. It’s important to talk about your habits with your doctor so he or she can help you.

You don’t have to be alone when dealing with male infertility. We can help. Call us for a free phone consultation so we can understand what you are going through and come up with a plan of action. You are ready to start a family, and we have the knowledge and expertise you need to make that happen.