
Laparoscopy 2018-01-27T08:39:54+00:00


Abnormalities in the uterus can lead to fertility issues. It’s important to diagnose and treat various abnormalities during your fertility journey. A laparoscope allows the doctor to see inside your uterus and detect cysts, scar tissue, and growths that lead to infertility. Your doctor can also use the laparoscope to treat these issues, improving your chances of becoming pregnant and carrying the baby to term.

Every person’s fertility journey is different. Because of that, some people require a laparoscopy, while others do not. Your doctor will meet with you to determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure.

He or she will start with taking your medical history. This will give your doctor some vital information about your overall health. Then, your doctor will examine you. This will provide the doctor will more information so he or she can determine if you are good fit for a laparoscopy.

After assessing your situation, your doctor will determine if you’re a good candidate for a laparoscopy. Your doctor will discuss the procedure with you in greater detail and explain what he or she hopes to discover.

If your doctor decides you need a laparoscopy to diagnose or treat an issue, you will make an appointment and come back to the facility. An anaesthesiologist will put you under general anaesthesia, so you will not feel a thing during the procedure. Then, the surgeon will make a small incision, fill your abdominal cavity with air, and use a laparoscope to look at your reproductive organs. The surgeon will also shoot dye into the fallopian tubes and cervix to see if they are open.

Your doctor might take some biopsies if he or she finds any abnormal tissue in the reproductive organs. The biopsies will be submitted to the laboratory for further testing.

You might feel bloated and a little sore after the procedure, but discomfort will be at a minimum. Some cramping and vaginal bleeding are normal, but significant bleeding should be reported to the facility immediately.

You will get your results back quickly after the procedure. If you surgeon finds fibroids, endometrial growths, or adhesions, he or she can treat them with another laparoscopy. Other issues, such as damaged tissue, can also be repaired. Your doctor will go over a treatment plan with you.

Our surgeons often treat issues during the laparoscopy. Once treated, patients are able to conceive and carry a child to term without assistance. However, if pregnancy doesn’t occur within nine months of the procedure, it is recommended that patients seek fertility treatments.

Dealing with fertility issues is a journey. You have to find out what the problem is and treat it. Fortunately, this is not something you have to do on your own. We are ready to help you. We offer free phone consultations to help our patients understand the process. Call us now so we can help you navigate this journey.